Saguaro National Park // Morning Has Broken
Tuscon, Arizona is home to Saguaro National Park. This image was shot at dawn in the middle of summer. I love the soft light as it frames the desert vegetation. Behind in the background is Mt. Lemon and its foothills. The contrast is what caught my eye, and the light is what forced me out of the car to take this image that perfectly captures the lush desert landscape.

Tuscon, Arizona // Saguaro Towers 1, 2 & 3
Tuscon, Arizona has many spectacular landscape options available for a photographer. However, no portfolio of the American Southwest would be complete without these three magnificent towering cactus towers.

Sedona, Arizona // Red Rock Heights
Sedona, Arizona is home to some of the most magnificent red rock formations known on earth. The size and scale is difficult to imagine let alone capture with a lens. On this particular early moonrise I had some of the most amazing cloud formations to compliment the rugged cliffs, which made for a very dramatic image.

Saguaro National Park // Cactus Contrast 1, 2 & 3
During sunsets in Arizona very often cactus are blacklite. This creates a glow around them. It's really something to see. Photographing this wonderful display at the end of a wonder Arizona sunset was such a treat.

Cold Miners Canyon, Tuba City, Arizona // Moonscape
Cold Miners, Arizona is simply one of the most intriguing area that I have every shot landscape photography at. Very few people have even heard of the area, and even fewer ever go the distances to find it. For me it was love at first sight. The small curves, the transitions of gold and gray, contrasted with the drama sky overhead, made for a perfect image. So much so, that I hated for to leave. One day my friend... I will return to admire your beauty again.

White Pocket, Arizona // Cotton Candy on Display
White Pocket which is cousin of the famous "Wave" is one the most difficult place in the USA to get too. 4 hour of off-trail driving in deep sand. Once you arrive it quickly becomes clear... it was all worth it. Candy color strips, surreal patterns, and textures that are unmatched anywhere else. I shot this image as the sun started to set with my 35mm lens. White Pocket is a place I will travel back to again and again.

Glamis, California Desert // Desert Hearts
I love sand dunes, it's a basic fact. I had never been to Glamis, California to check out the sand dunes. On the day I arrived I was welcome this a beautiful storm on the horizon. These three images that I captured speak to my heart.

Saguaro National Park // Desert Hello's
Tucson, Arizona is home to an endless number of Saguaro trees. This shot taken at Saguaro National Park showcases the desert harshness and soft yet dramatic clouds that often arrive in summer.

Bryce Canyon, Utah // The Jewelry Box of Utah Appears
As the home of 5 National Parks, Utah never is without unbelievable beauty being present to their admirers. However of all 5 parks, Bryce Canyon is the most elegant and beautiful in my opinion. Pink and orange collectively engage to put on the most spectacular show. Hollywood wishes it has this much drama.

Phoenix, Arizona // Superstition Mountains 1, 2 & 3
Often I feel that only Black & White images can create dramatic effects that color just can't convey. The southwest and the historical record of the landscape is the perfect subject for Black & White photography.

Superstition Mountains, Phoenix, Arizona // Nightfall
The desert often is at it most beautiful right before nightfall. This was the case the night that I shot this image. I love the strength of the mountain in the background wrapped in a color palette of brilliant vibrant orange and pinks.

Vermillion Cliffs, Utah // Reflections
Utah has no shortage of landscapes that you can't believe are real. Driving home from Zion National Park on the north rim of the Grand Canyon I came down a slope in the road and couldn't believe what I saw seeing. This alarmingly beautiful valley, with red rock cliffs, and gold desert floors took my breath away. I pulled over took this image. Not until I got home to process it did I discover an extra element that I feel sets this image apart.
If you look closely you will see light which appears to be coming up from the ground. How can that be? The light from the clouds is actually bouncing off of the Colorado River as it makes its way thru The Grand Canyon. Amazing... if I say so myself.

Pink Coral Sand Dunes State Park, Utah // Pink Dune Drama
Pink Coral Sand Dunes State Park in Utah is one of those out of the way places that most people don't think of going to. Like Julian Robert once said in "Pretty Woman", "Big Mistake, Big Mistake". On that summer day I was given the opportunity to capture the park with some of the most epic skies a photographer could ask for.

Superstition Mountains, Phoenix, AZ // Storm Warnings
Believe it or not my favorite time of year in Arizona is summer, because it's the time when the monsoon storm roll thru. The drama is off-the-charts. Rainbows mixing with storm clouds, rugged mountains... what more could I want in the landscape setting to capture.
All landscape photographers look for weather patterns and clouds, this one created quite a memory.

Cold Miners Canyon, Tuba City, Arizona // Moonscape Vista
Located outside of Tuba City, Arizona is Cold Miners Canyon. It is extremely remote and requires a Jeep to get too. Guess what I have a Jeep... so off I went to get this amazing shot that is one of my personal all-time favorites.

Tuscon, Arizona // Fire in the Sky
Saying Tuscon, Arizona is hot in the summer is an understatement. But the heat also had one spectacular benefit. Insane sunsets that light the sky on fire during what is the Monsoon season. This image captures the intensity of the colors coming from the sky as they blanket the region.

Prescott, Arizona // Lake Watson
Lake Watson (Prescott), Arizona is one of the most unique landscape I have ever witnessed. Think Joshua Tree meets Lake Tahoe. On the day that I visited and took this image a huge thunderstorm was on the way. Made for the perfect dramatic desert landscape, even if there is a lake in the middle of the image.

Cold Miners Canyon, Tuba City, Arizona // Sunset Orange Vista
Cold Miners Canyon is located an hour south of The Grand Canyon. It has become one very remote place that is near and dear to my heart. Completely unspoiled and without a tourist and selfie stick to be found anywhere. Just peace and beauty. It is "Jaw Dropping Beautiful" to say the least.

Canyonlands National Park, Utah // The Roads to Heaven
Seeing Canyonlands National Park for the first took my breathe away. The drama was overwhelming and it proved to be extremely difficult to capture the size and scope of the region. This image is an attempt to do the park it's justice. I knew that light was going to be the key to have an image work. I got very lucky the day I shot this image.

West Fork Trail, Sedona, AZ // An Artist Palette
Sedona, Arizona is a region of the country everyone should have the privilege of being able to see. Home to slot canyons, and wonderful hikes, I can't begin to put into words the colors the beauty of it all so I will let this image do the talking. Enjoy! I know I did.

Dead Horse State Park, Utah // Thelma & Louise Revised
Visiting this park where the final scene from the movie "Thelma & Louise" was film was a dream come true. Jumping out of my Jeep with the soundtrack from the movie playing, I was able to capture this image that shows all the right reasons the director Ridley Scott choose this place to send the two main characters off into the sunset. As B. B. King would say, "You better not look down."

Tuba City, AZ // Canyons on the Horizon
Arizona and the American Southwest is diverse bold in the landscapes that it offers up. Tuba City, AZ just south of the Grand Canyon is a place where color seems to explode out rock formations. On this cold morning in early winter I was capture the pinks and golds of the regions from a high mountain vantage point.