Grand Tetons // Standing in Ansel Adams Footprints
Ansel Adams first made this location one of the most forceful photographic images of the 20th century. Standing in his footprints and taking this image was the thrill of a lifetime.

Yellowstone // First Signs of Winter
There is a quietness that you find in Yellowstone in the fall. The crowds are done to a large degree and creates a vacuum in which one can sit and truly hear the song of the mountains. This image with the white capped mountain and the roller hills in the foreground captures that quiet and is one of my favorite images that I have taken.

Factory Butte, Utah // Landscapes of The Moon
Of all the places that I have travel to in pursuit of landscape photography images, nothing compares to the subject that is Factory Butte. While not a mountain in itself, it stands on its own in magnitude and scale to revive even the Grand Tetons. As I head out in my Jeep on the gray sandy road 9 miles out to capture images such as this one, I can't help but think of the unnatural beauty that confront me. Unearthly and much more in common with The Moon.

Yosemite, California // Grand Morning in the Granite
Yosemite is almost unbearable to taken all its beauty. This morning and this photographic memory of it, attempts to document what truly is impossible to really capture. I surrender to you... Yosemite.

Eden, Utah // Storm on the Horizon 1, 2 & 3
After a full-day to photographing in and around Salt Lake City, Utah I arrived back at my sister's home. Heading out to the patio to drink a well deserve dark beer, I turned to look at the mountains. Quickly the beer was down on the table and I was running for my 600mm telephoto lens. Insane as we say in California... insane!

Grand Tetons // View from the Lodge
Driving in the Jeep in the middle of winter at Grand Tetons National Park with 4 feet of fresh snow wasn't what concerned me the most on the day I took this image. It was finding the Grand Lodge complete vacant other than the one caretaker who offered to give me a private tour of the place. It was a moment straight-out of "The Shining". Even with the fear factor fully in place, I did manage to get off a few outstanding images. This one was well worth the thought of those twins, and that little boys riding a tricycles down a hallways.

Grand Tetons // Full Moon Set on the Horizon
Ansel Adams created on of his most iconic image in Taos, New Mexico of a moonset over the mountain. This winter morning in Grand Tetons as the moon set over the mountains I couldn't help but reflect on that icon image and think this was mine.

Sierra Nevada Range // Light Reflections
After a record snow-fall in the Sierra Nevada's, I took a drive up to see if the weather would provide some epic images. I couldn't have been more amazed by the beauty that afternoon as I raced up and down Hwy. 395 chasing light, watching the snow filled mountain tops and the storm clouds above.

Big Bear Lake // Epic Snow-Fall
On New Year Day 2017, California woke up to a record snow-fall. As I arrived at the lake that morning the contrast of blue from the lake and the pure white landscape was gorgeous. I stood back in gratitude that I had made the choice to make the drive in the middle of the night from San Diego and was provided the safety of my trust Jeep to get this image.

Mt. Whitney & The Alabama Hills // The Epic Light of Winter in the Sierra's
Lone Pine, California is the stepping-off place for all the adventures that Mt. Whitney provides. In sub-freezing conditions I was able to very quickly capture the mountain range in the background with the boulders of the Alabama Hills in the foreground. The contrast was key to make this image work, along with the early morning light.

Mt. Whitney // Frozen Morning Grandstand
Standing on a frozen plain at 6 a.m. doesn't sounds like somewhere you would what to be, unless Mt. Whitney is right there in the foreground. The thought of Alpine light projecting itself on the mountain range was all I needed that morning get me out of my hotel bed, grab a cup of coffee, put on some hand-warmers, head out, and leave all comfort. Mt Whitney you delivery.

Antelope Island, Utah // Where The Bison Roam
Finding out that in the middle of a Salt Lake City, Utah that there is an island where Bison roams free was just too much to not leave the warmth of my sister home in Eden, Utah and take the camera. What I didn't except was to find a place right here is the USA that looks just like Iceland. Rugged, unspoiled, and free from noice. Just beautiful vistas and brilliant light that day proved to be all I needed to capture an image that is timeless.

Grand Tetons National Park // Turn Around & Look
The Grand Tetons are epic and a buck-list items for anyone serious about the art of landscape photography. While I was there waiting for the light to break on the Teton range I discover sometimes it's best to just "turn around".

The Grand Tetons // Aspen Glow Heights
In the depth of winter as the sunrises of the Grand Tetons the sky often turns bright pink. On this morning the elements of nature all were working together to make this happen as I stood "frozen" and "patient" holding my new Mark IV camera with gloves packed with hand-warmers.

Snow Basin Ski Resort, Utah // Ready for Riders
Utah is one of the best places in the world to ski. Having hosted the Winter Olympics in 2000, Snow Basin Ski Resort was the venue for the Downhill Ski events. This image was capture after a huge snow storm carved thru the western United States. I love the rolling hills and the forest in the foreground which compliment the epic bowls at the top of the mountain.

Eden, Utah // Thanksgiving Fantasy Mountains
Fall arrives in Eden, Utah. I shot this image on the property at my sister home on Thanksgiving. It was truly fall in all its wonder on display. I doubt I will ever forget the memory of seeing those mountains and coming back into a home full of warmth and love.

Eden, Utah // Power Mountain Ski Resort
I love seeing the skiers lines in the snow in this image. It brings me to the sweet memories of when my two sisters and I would bring along friends on family winter vacation in my youth... and get lost in the mountains.

Grand Tetons // Mountains of Fire
The Grand Tetons are tall and steep that in winter they create their own weather pattern. Knowing this, I was able to capture an image at sunset this winter of what appeared to be fire coming off the top to mountain. The mountain was simply exploding with the color orange for all, including myself, to see.